Discover Dalton Wisconsin

About Dalton Wisconsin

Dalton an unincorporated area in Green Lake County Wisconsin and within a 15-minute drive from Adeline’s House of Cool.

Dalton’s surrounding countryside is mainly occupied by dairy farmers and an Amish community.

The Amish stores and that when venturing down country roads near Dalton you might find horse-drawn buggies sharing the road with you thanks to the large Amish population in the area are why Adeline’s House of Cool guests put a visit on their sightseeing lists.

Dalton with its neighboring community of Kingston comprises the Dalton/Kingston Amish Settlement.

The Amish follow the traditions of their ancestors in their daily living

Horse-drawn buggies, kerosene lanterns, subdued-color clothing, bonnets, and straw hats are still prevalent traits of today’s Amish Country. The Amish are known for their exceptionally well-made wood furniture, cabinetry, baked goods, beautiful quilts, and much more.

Learn more about the Dalton/Kingston Amish Settlement
Amish Settlements Wisconsin

Adeline’s House of Cool is the root of my and my Family’s love for Wisconsin and we wholeheartedly want our guests and the public, in general, to know about the Dalton and Dalton/Kingston Amish Settlement.

Sincerely, Brian Urbanowski & Family